Category Archives for "Productivity"

get more done in less time

How To Get More Done In Less Time

By Welly Mulia | Productivity

Most people follow the 8-hour work day schedule.

They get up in the morning, work, take a lunch break, work again, then call it a day.

The question is: why do we work 8 hours a day? Have you really stopped and thought about that?

Let’s revisit history and see how the 8-hour work day came about.

It all started in the Industrial Revolution when factories wanted to increase their output. In order to achieve this, they had their workers work very long hours. We’re talking as much as 18 hours per day for 6 days a week.

It wasn’t until a man by the name of Robert Owen who suggested that work hours be dramatically reduced that the 8-hour work day came about. Owen came up with the phrase “8 hours labour, 8 hours recreation, 8 hours rest”.

Robert Owen with his 8-hour work day proposition

So that’s the 8-hour work day was ‘founded’ a few hundred years ago in the late 18th century.

This is 2017.

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